My dietetic student intern, Rachel Saunders, who is also a Personal Trainer, health coach, and mother of 5 is sharing her hard-earned wisdom on facilitating change.

January marks a time of resolution for most. Some use January first to begin a new positive change. These changes can vary greatly. Perhaps its a determination to move more, eat better or spend more time with family and friends. Sometimes, these resolutions can be much more life-changing, like getting a new job, getting married, or buying a new home. Regardless of the resolution, we mark January first as a turning point in our lives.
I am a mother of five, a personal trainer, health coach, and a student at the University of Maryland. I am studying dietetics. I am no stranger to change and resolutions. So as January first is fast approaching, I feel an urgency to begin my blog. I thought about beginning to write on New Years Day, but today would be the day I start sharing my thoughts, advice, and the latest research in all things health-related. Here is why. Today, I stopped myself, paused, and stared at the blank page and flashing cursor. I ask myself, why now? Why today? Why do I have this urgency to begin something new now?
When I was a child, I remember the first time I jumped off a diving board at the pool. I was petrified. I didn't know if I'd sink or swim. Would I hit my head on the way down? I stood at the end of the diving board, almost holding my breath. What would happen? After some time, I jumped.
Not surprisingly, it ended with a feeling of relief and a sense of achievement. I'll admit it was scary, but the thought of jumping off the diving board no longer was a fear. What made me make that long-anticipated jump at that time?
So, why now? After thinking about this for a while, I decided there was no answer. We don't have to wait for January first to begin a new healthy habit. We don't need to wait for the New Year to decide on a new project or mark the beginning of new positive choices for ourselves. You see, life is a circle. The seasons move from one to another, just as the months roll from one into another. A circle has no beginning and no end. It's continuous.
Our choices don't need to wait for a start or end date. Change starts right now. We don't need to wait for the New Year or the beginning of a new day.
Whatever our resolution is, begin that change right now. Do something, anything, to get you a little closer. Doing something today, now, is a way of telling yourself you are committed. That may be the most important reason to do something today
. And in reality, we live in the now, it is the only moment in time we have immediate control over.
I have started my resolution today by writing this blog on December thirtieth. I am not waiting until January first.
What have you decided to do to create positive change in your life? Did you begin that today, or are you still waiting?
Rachel Saunders NASM CPT, CPR/AED, Balance and Strength Coach, TRX Specialist