Terms & Conditions
Terms of Service
Last modified May 2018
Welcome to www.dietingdifferently.com (“Website”). This website is created and run by Natalie Stephens (and any employees, independent contractors, volunteers, and interns) (together, “we”, “us”). Natalie Stephens is a registered dietitian nutritionist.
Before subscribing to Dieting Differently, we recommend that you thoroughly read through these Terms of Service (“Terms”) and the Privacy Policy (“Policy”) (found here: https://www.dietingdifferently.com/privacy-policy/). The Terms and Policy apply to Dieting Differently memberships and associated products, and anything posted on the Website (together, “Services”). Anyone utilizing “Services” will be referred to as “Client.”
By subscribing you verify that you have read these Terms, and agree to them. Your agreement signifies that you are at least 18 years old and eligible by law to enroll in these Services. You agree by using these Services that you have provided true information as requested on the registration forms. By navigating this website, you also agree to these Terms.
You may not subscribe to Dieting Differently without agreeing to the Terms of Service.
We reserve the right to change or modify these Terms at any time. Any and all updates made are effective immediately, and you will be notified of any changes via email or prominent notification on the website. By agreeing to the changes, you may continue to use our Services.
If at any time you no longer agree to the Terms, you must immediately cancel your membership to Dieting Differently & suspend your use of our Services. If you violate any of the Terms of Service, we reserve the right to terminate your membership. We also reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at any time, for any reason. If you have any questions whatsoever about the content of these terms, please email us at hello@dietingdifferently.com.
By subscribing to Dieting Differently, you agree to be solely responsible for maintaining the security of your account. Natalie Stephens and Dieting Differently are not responsible for any fraudulent charges made on your account, or stolen logins or passwords. You agree to notify us immediately at hello@dietingdifferently.com if any suspicious activity has occurred on your account.
Please be aware that agreeing to these Terms by using the Services holds the same weight as a written and signed contract. You agree that you will not challenge the enforceability of these Terms based on the fact that they are electronic.
Purchase & Use Information
In order to purchase or access certain content on the Website, you may need to provide some personal information (see Privacy Policy for more details). You agree that any information you provide is accurate, current, and complete. You also understand and agree that any information you provide is subject to the Privacy Policy.
If you are dissatisfied with any portion of the Services, or with any of these Terms of Service, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using the Services.
Any logins, accounts, usernames, and password created on this Website are for your personal use only, and cannot be shared with others. Each account is to be used by one person only. Please do not falsely create accounts for any other individuals. Do not share your account with anyone else. If you enjoy our Services, please share the sign-up page, and encourage your friends to sign up for themselves. If we find that you are in violation with these terms (to not share your login with anyone else), we will immediately terminate your membership with no refund. You are responsible for any fees, including internet or mobile fees, incurred while using these services.We reserve the right to shut down accounts who have violated these Terms at any time, without prior notice.
Third Party Links
Some notes within Dieting Differently will contain outbound links to other websites that contain relevant content or research articles. You acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for the availability of these websites, and we do not endorse and are not responsible for any advertisements featured on these websites. You agree that we will never be held liable (directly or indirectly) for any losses, damages, or health concerns that may have been incurred from your use of materials, service, or content on these websites. You agree that you will use the content from these websites at your own risk.
Health Disclaimer
Natalie Stephens is a registered dietitian nutritionist who holds a Bachelor's degree in dietetics from Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Please note that Natalie Stephens is not a licensed physician, and cannot diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical conditions. She is a Registered Dietitian and Licensed in the state of Maryland. Always let your physician know about any of your health concerns, and check with your doctor before making any diet, medication, exercise, or lifestyle changes. Natalie’s work is guided by the Code of Ethics for the Profession of Dietetics. I understand that Natalie is not providing health care or medical services and will not diagnose, treat, or cure in any manner whatsoever any disease, condition, or other physical or mental ailment of the human body.
All information included in Dieting Differently is information that Natalie has curated, and is in no way claiming to be comprehensive or conclusive. The information provided on dietingdifferently.com is meant for educational purposes only. It is NOT meant to be interpreted as medical advice for any individual. This information does not replace the advice of a medical professional, and should not be relied on as medical advice or advice on diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. If you have concerns about your health, you should always consult with a medical professional. Do not delay consultation or treatment from a medical professional because of something read on this website. Use of any information provided on this website is 100% AT YOUR OWN RISK.
No information provided on dietingdifferently.com should be interpreted as medical nutrition therapy, nutrition counseling, diagnosis, prognosis, health care treatment, instruction, advice, or any other individualized medical service. The information is for educational purposes only.
You should not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication or other treatment.
Natalie is committed to presenting all sides of the information on various topics, to allow the readers to form their own conclusions.
Service Disclaimer
We do our best to ensure continued service of the Website. In the event of any emergency repairs, natural disasters, or unforeseen technological errors that may interrupt our Services, you agree to under no conditions hold us liable for any losses, lack of availability, discontinuance, suspension, or termination of our Services. You agree that your access and use of the Services is on an ‘As Is” and “As Available” condition.
We also reserve the right to modify the Services at any time, and will not be held liable for any price increases, service changes, or discontinuation of Services. We are not responsible for any technical malfunctions of online systems, servers, service providers, or email accounts that prevent the timely delivery of our Services. We are also not responsible for any damages that may occur from downloading any content from the Website. Use of these Services is at your own risk.
No Guarantees
We make no guarantees in regards to any of the recommendations or advice given on the Website or other Services. While the advice provided may have worked for us or others, there is no guarantee that it will also work for you, or that if you do the exact same steps you will see the same results. Please use and implement the advice at your own risk.
If you submit any content to the Website, including comments, we do not own those materials, but you are granting us permission to use the submitted content in our business. This includes comments, testimonials, feedback, etc. You agree to give us the rights to copy, distribute, transmit, publicly display, post on social media, reproduce, translate, edit, and reformat your submission, and post your name with it, without compensation. We are not obligated to use the submission, but we reserve the right at our discretion. We also reserve the right to delete any submissions at our discretion.
You agree to hold us (Natalie Stephens and all staff, contractors, volunteers, interns, employees, and partners) harmless and indemnify us from and against any third party claim(s) arising from your use of our Services. This includes any liability or expenses arising from all claims, losses, damages, suits, judgments, litigation costs, and attorney fees. You also agree to relinquish any and all rights or benefits you may have under any other state or federal statute or common law principles of similar effect, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Applicable Law
You agree that by using our Services, the laws of California will govern these Terms and any dispute that may arise between you and the company.
Additional Information
Please also review our Privacy Policy located here: https://www.dietingdifferently.com/privacy-policy
Purchase & Use Information
When you purchase Services, you are committing to charges on your credit card as indicated in the Services explanations (one time, recurring weekly, recurring monthly). If Natalie is not able to complete purchased Services, payment for missed Services will be refunded to Client. If the Client reschedules an appointment less than 24-hours before any appointment, Client will owe 50% of the fee for that appointment. If Client does not call to reschedule or fails to show up for appointments, Client still owes 100% of the fee for that appointment. If Client has three or more no-call, no-shows Coach has to option of terminating the contract. Should Client decide to withdraw from any ongoing program, Client will still owe 50% of the remaining fees due for any ongoing contract. If a one time purchase was made and Client is not able to attend, refunds are not provided or guaranteed.
Intellectual Property Rights
All content available on dietingdifferently.com is written in Natalie’s own words, unless otherwise indicated. All the materials available on the site are protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws. You agree to use the site solely for personal noncommercial use. Unauthorized copying, reproducing, republishing, downloading, uploading, posting, transmitting, translating, selling, exploiting, distributing, or creating derivative works of the information without our explicit consent is not allowed and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent available under the law. This includes transmitting the information via email or other electronic means without consent. You are allowed to print the material for personal, non-commercial use, with proper attribution.
By posting any information on our site, including comments or information on discussion boards or social media, you
agree that you are the owner of any materials posted, and are not violating any copyright or intellectual property laws.